Profile PictureKranti Ananta

Introduction to the True Meeting of Divine Masculine & Feminine

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Introduction to the True Meeting of Divine Masculine & Feminine


What do we really mean when we speak of The Divine Masculine & Feminine?

There are many ways, levels and references being expressed as The Divine Masculine and The Divine Feminine.

Often when we hear or read about 'The Divine Masculine or Feminine' we give meanings based on an understanding that comes from what we have gathered and there is still some sense of a Man body and a Female body and with that some sense of separation.

We also often automatically think of the Divine Masculine as being more appropriate to what we call Men bodies and the Divine Feminine more related to Women bodies.

Even if we have understood that we all have an 'Inner Man & Inner Women', there are still many assumptions...

This is a live raw unedited recording of an event that took place in May 2022!

This meeting is both an introduction and an exploration of these energies by direct experience

An invitation to come together, rest deeply at the source, and open for a deep meeting and exploration.

We come together and drop deep in the silence of Being, where we are undeniably One and the same; we can and do know this intimately and directly without the thinking mind…

Let's sink into this inherent intimacy and taste the taste of our very existence at Source.

This session begins with a guided dropping into the depth of pure BEing where all sense of separation falls away.

Ananta then opens for transmission, talks and interaction.

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1 Audio File Duration: 1:57:56

27.2 MB
117 minutes
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