
BREAK FREE: Evolve & Create Weekend Intensive Retreat

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BREAK FREE: Evolve & Create Weekend Intensive Retreat


Learn How to Break Free in the Midst of Pain and move into Free flow...

Evolve stuck energies into Creative Power to Embody Your True Expression.

Break Free.

Of egoic tendencies.

The aspect in you that takes things personally, or tells you things like ‘you are worthless’, ‘you can’t do it’ or fear driven behaviours that come as a result. And all the reactions that are based on that root of false identification.


Through triggers and old behaviours.

Meet those activated places differently than how you ever have before. Remain aware of those limiting ways of thinking that move through you but Shift the Focus to where all possibilities are available and move into the energy of where you wish to go. Stay aligned to this energy and focus.


Space for clear seeing to happen.

Be aware of what you are creating, of what you are empowering and fueling and create the atmosphere of what you actually want to be bringing alive inside and outside.

Perhaps you've had moments of expanded awareness through tools like plant medicines, meditation or amazing retreats where a whole new level of reality was revealed and you glimpsed the true meaning of ‘oneness’?

And maybe these moments were followed by the same triggers that don’t always feel so free?

Are you waiting for that one experience that will take away the pain?

The problem is this: You’ve been searching OUTSIDE of yourself to get away from the pain and triggers.. 

When actually, pain is a portal for your evolutionary process and that doorway opens to the freedom of your Creative Nature.

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This is a 2 Day Weekend Intensive Deep Dive meditations, Self Inquiry & Transformations.

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