Profile PictureKranti Ananta

ILLUMINATE: Activate Conscious Intention in 2024 (FULL DAY ~ INTENSIVE )

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ILLUMINATE: Activate Conscious Intention in 2024 (FULL DAY ~ INTENSIVE )

This is a live interactive Transformational Intensive Day dedicated to Illumination and Activation.

A group of conscious Beings come together to bring more light of awareness to what is alive in their life right Now and bring focused conscious attention to how this can be Illuminated so that you see a way forward that brings clearer direction and Activates conscious intention.

Beginning with a deep dive guided dropping ( into the depths of Being ) can also be called meditation.

Ananta invites you to merge in the unified field as all separation falls away and the opening of an expanded consiousness allows for an alive exploration of bringing the deeper or higher realms to the relative play of daily life.

From Here, she offers transmissions and interacts with each of the participants in their unique journey. Each one represents an aspect of our collective consciousness that so many can relate to and reflect upon.

We come to see how we as consciousness create life as we walk, according to the level at which we attend to, believe into, liberate or transcened.

We are the creator of this very moment and if we consciously choose to activate our intention we can live a magical journey filled with conscious creativity!

This 1 day Intensive is a rich example of That.

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Full 2 x 2 hour unedited audio recordings of Meditation, Transmissions & Q & A

Length Approx 2 x 2 hours
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